Hannah Anderson
Advisor,Indigenous and Community Relations, FortisBC

Candice Appleby
Director, Communications & Strategic Projects, Association for Mineral Exploration

Tyler Banick
Manager, Public and
Government Affairs, CN

Mark Barnes
Interim Associate Vice-President, Strategy and Outreach, UNBC

Curtis Bietz
Public Affairs Analyst,

Jennifer Blaney
Government Relations Manager, Ovintiv

Scott Broughton
President & CEO,
Vitreo Minerals

Ryan Bruce
BC Manager of Government Relations, CLAC

Hamed Noori
Founder and CEO,

Jon Gibson
Community Manager, FPX Nickel

Ina Gjoka
Strategist - Government Relations,

Paul Hagel
Manager of Communications & Reputation, LNG Canda

Keivan Hirji
Principal Advisor, External Relations for North America, Newmont

William Hoban
President &
Enviro Ex Consulting

Kim Iverson
Manager Government Relations and Regulatory Affairs,
ConocoPhillips Canada

Darlene Klassen
Corporate Relations Advisor, Mobility & Downstream,

Lorraine Little
Director, Strategic Partnerships,

Peter Hatcher
Regional Executive Vice President,
Western Canada and Territories, WSP
in Canada

Geoff Morrison
Director, British Columbia,
Regulatory & Operations, CAPP

Lyall Nash
Director, Pipe Line Contractors Association of Canada

Adam Nelson
External Affairs Advisor,

Lianne Olson
Stakeholder and
Community Relations Liaison,
Rio Tinto

Halie Osmar
Government Relations Associate, Prince Rupert Port Authority

Jodi Payne
Community Relations Manager, Skeena
Gold + Silver

Zara Rabinovitch
Vice President, Sustainability and Public Affairs, Council of Forest Industries

Cale Runions
Manager – Policy & Government Relations,

Lisa Risvold
Vice President, Indigenous, Community and
Stakeholder Affairs,
Conuma Resources

Courtney Seier-Todd
Senior Advisor, Government Relations,
Pembina Pipelines

Crystal Sharwood
Director, Communications and Community Relations, Artemis Gold

Tim McEwan
Senior Vice President,
Corporate Affairs,
Mining Association of B.C

Sabrina Spencer
Environmental Lawyer, Fasken

Damien Stanley

Chris Stoicheff
Senior Director of Government Relations, Paper Excellence

Stephanie Tan
Manager of Government
and Regulatory Affairs, Teck

Conference Chair:
Sarah Weber
President & CEO, C3 Alliance

Louanne Wong
Business Development Manager,
BC Hydro